**I wanted to do a quick clarification on the Bumpdates, as I've received a few questions in the last few weeks. When I post a Bumpdate, it's a summary of the week of pregnancy that I just completed. So for example, this week (Week 39) is a summary of what happened while I was 39 weeks pregnant. The picture below is taken on the Thursday that moved me from week 39 to week 40 (i.e. the below image was taken on my official due date). Hope that clears everything up - I probably did it the most confusing way possible, oops!**
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Picture taken as we literally walked out the door to head to the hospital! |
How Far Along: Thirty-NINE weeks down!
Total Weight Gain: 36 pounds...
Maternity Clothes: My maternity clothes are starting to feel a little tight and I REFUSE to buy another big item of clothing. Little man better show up soon because momma is running out of things to wear!
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Still moving around quite a bit - he's got to be cramped in there.
Sleep: For the first time during this entire pregnancy I'm starting to need to get up about once a night to use the restroom - I really don't think I "need" to, I am just super paranoid that my water is about to break at any minute so I'm pretty quick to jump out of bed. Other than that, I sleep amazing! This weekend we went to swim at Brandon's mom's and with BK, Zac, Brandon's mom, brother, sister-in-law and nephew all around/in the pool I fell asleep in the floatie and had a very relaxing afternoon! If I get comfortable, I can be out like a light in no time!
What I Miss: Other than having a wide variety of clothes to choose from, not really anything!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Cooper! I have had such a wonderful pregnancy - no serious scares, no aches or pains, no significant swelling and no problem with sleep! It also helped to have one of the coolest summers in Oklahoma history - thank you Jesus (literally). I feel so very fortunate! Even now, right at the very end, I don't feel the least bit miserable (which is why I'm still a firm believer that he'll be late)! This week I've helped Zac clean his new house and shop for things he needs to get settled in - unfortunately, this means I haven't made much progress on the "thank you" notes so please know that if I owe you one, it's coming! All that being said, I am excited for Cooper to join us, but I'm not rushing him either. He'll show up when he's ready and until then his daddy and I are just enjoying our last few days as a family of two!
Cravings: Nothing out of the norm - chocolate (preferably M&Ms), popcorn, fruit and chips & queso. But those have always been some of my favorite foods so...
Aversions: Not a thing that I can think of!
Other Crazy Symptoms: I can't remember if I've given a belly button update lately - it's out. Thankfully, it was shallow to start with so it's not super noticeable because that most likely would have driven me crazy! I feel like my ankles are turning a bit cankle-ish but that would probably go down if I'd cool it with the wedges... something I'm not willing to do! The longer you look the better, always been my motto and it's not changing now!
Daddy Update: Daddy did his final "get ready" duty this week - assembly of all the need-to-be-assembled-things! We've got swings, strollers, and other items all put together and ready to go. He was supposed to start his PTO this week, but even he is convinced Cooper isn't coming anytime soon so he pushed it back a week and went in to work. Brandon also helped Zac get moved into his new house this weekend - thankfully not a lot of heavy lifting, but enough that they broke a pretty good sweat. It makes my heart soooooo happy to see my two favorite guys together. They are so good to each other and I am so thankful for their relationship. I've spent a lot of time in the last week just riding in the back seat smiling as I listen to them talk and joke with each other. Now if my other favorite little man was just sitting in the car seat beside me life would have been absolutely perfect!
Best Moment of the Week: There was not a specific moment that stood out - we are in a big happy blur! Happy to have a few days left together as a family of two. Happy to have brother officially be a Sooner and living close by. Happy to have the nursery complete and ready for Cooper's arrival. We are, as Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty says so perfectly, "happy, happy, happy."
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.
So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:27-28