My sweet son,
Time is flying by and I am so conflicted by emotion. My heart hurts as each and every day you seem to grow another inch - further and further from the tiny newborn we brought home from the hospital - but at the same instant, I am overwhelmed with excitement as I already am beginning to see your little personality come to life. I am trying my hardest to focus on the joy that each day brings, the anticipation of the next fun development, while not being sad, but soaking up every minute of today. That probably doesn't make a bit of sense to you, but someday you'll be a daddy to a baby that is growing right in front of your eyes and then you'll understand and you'll wish time to slow down.
Your daddy is clearly smitten with you. He steals you away the second he walks in the door from work! And you looooove to cuddle on his chest while we all snuggle on the couch after dinner. I find it quite comical that your daddy, who has never been much of a jealous man, gets so possessive of you! He is kind and will share you with someone for a short time, but somewhere around the 5 to 10 minute mark, he wants you back and he doesn't want to share anymore!
Sweet baby of mine, please know that you are loved and adored more than you will ever be able to comprehend. Your mommy and daddy could not be more proud to call you our own. You are just making our dreams come true, thank you precious boy.
All my love,
All my love,
Two Month Milestones:
Eye Color - Dark gray. We expected to see some brown by now, but no such luck thus far! Occasionally, I think there might be a hint of blue, but maybe momma is just sleep deprived.
Height - You are one seriously long baby! You measured in at 25.5 inches (100%) at your doctor's appointment. Strangers always guess that you are much older than you actually are - I think because you have hair, good head control and you are looooong! The closest guess so far has been that you were four months old... Nope, not yet!
At baby yoga last week, I finally asked how old the other babies were as you are the only one not rolling over, every baby was four months or older, but you my sweet son were the biggest baby there by far! They couldn't believe it when I said you were nine weeks old!
Clothing - My little Stretch Armstrong, you are growing out of your clothes in rapid speed! You typically wear 0-3 months although those are starting to feel more than a little snug! Your baby jeans are starting to get pretty tight on the ol' thighs and pajamas are starting to look like high waters. We are one big boy! I've put you in a few 3-6 month onesies and while they looked really big on the hanger, they fit pretty well. Made this Momma sad!
Nicknames - Your nicknames change daily. We call you Stinky a lot for obvious reasons, but hopefully that one won't stick. I call you Little Prince and Baby Bird/Lamb/Piglet or other variations of animals depending on what you are doing at the time. Our family and friends call you Coop quite a bit which is completely fine with us. Big cousin Blake says your name very pronounced "Coop-per" and it's very cute.
Sleep - We broke down and attempted a schedule this month. You started out great! Literally by the second day you had the napping and eating times down pat. Within a few more days you were even sleeping better - two nights in a row you slept for more than 6 hours! Unfortunately, that turned out to just be a tease. You've kept the day time schedule right on track but you've decided you prefer to continue to get up about two-three times a night. You'll make it to 3:30am with no problem, but after that you tend to wake up repeatedly. Oh well, we just keep pushing right on through!
Hair - You have a full head of hair! The little band that you lost is growing back in nicely and it's making your cute little cow lick much more pronounced. Your hair is straight as a string as long as I brush it out when you first get out of the bath, otherwise it tends to curl a bit! I don't know where that came from.
You still LOVE your hands. They move non-stop! And this month came with two new additions of favorite body parts - legs and tongue! You kick 24/7! It appears that you are constantly riding a bicycle. In the car, I don't even need to look back because I can hear the swish, swish, swish of your legs moving against the car seat (this also contributes to you getting hot very quick and then screaming for the rest of the trip). Then there is that tongue of yours... Oh my goodness, it's never in your mouth! You look like a little lizard you stick your tongue out and in so often!! It's virtually impossible for me to get a picture of you without the tongue sneaking out. I don't know why you do it, but apparently licking air is one of your favorite things these days!
You haven't started reaching to grasp things yet, but you definitely like to bat at the mobile on your play mat. In the last month, that mat has become much more entertaining to you! I just have to make sure that mobile keeps spinning!!
We started Baby Yoga this month - I do yoga using you as my weights! You really enjoy it and smile at me quite a bit as we work out together. The first time we went you weren't too sure about the other babies and glared at the little boy on the mat next to us every time he made a sound (in your defense he was making a rather loud squawking noise). But every week since you just sit in my lap and check them all out! I think you are a fan!
Your head control is completely solid. You could just sit in your bumbo and just look around for hours on end! If I prop you up against my legs you will pull your head up so that you are sitting more than laying - you love to look around!
You are starting to smile more and more each day and while before you were just smiling for no reason, this month you have started smiling at us. It is the best feeling in the world! You are especially smiley (and talkative) in the mornings. We love getting to see your adorable little dimples and watch your eyes light up.
I think you are going to be a talker. If I look at you and say "ohhh" you just talk back to me as though I should be understanding every word you say. "Ohhh" is probably your favorite thing to say, but lately there has been lots of grunting and gurgles. Also, when you are having a serious cry - like after shots - you make a "m" sound over and over and everyone, including your Daddy, agrees that it sure sounds like you are saying "Mama, Mama, Mama." I want to claim it as your first word, but I think I may be jumping the gun on that one! You also continue to sigh very loudly before sneezing which is adorable and very funny!
You continue to make us look good by being a very cooperative baby. You sleep like a little angel straight through church. When we take you to the OU games, you happily look down at the field like you know what's going on and everyone is quite amused! You don't mind grocery shopping or running errands as long as you get to ride in the Scout and look around. If you are fussing, I know you either need a diaper change or it's time to eat or sleep. Overall, you are just one very happy little camper and we so glad!
Loved this! It's crazy how many emotions you feel when you become a mama :) I need to squeeze Mr.Cooper ASAP!