Sunday, June 22, 2014

Raincoat and Stripes

Another rainy day made me break down and dig through the boxes until I found Cooper's little yellow raincoat. I feel as though it's been raining for days on end around here and, well, there aren't many things cuter than a tiny human in a grown up raincoat and stripes so the digging was worth it. A rather impromptu photo shoot occurred - Daddy happened to drive up as Cooper and I were unloading the car, we wandered to the front yard to find MamaShawna and, as always, I had my camera in the bag... So, there is no great story or real reason behind these pictures except that my son is growing up way too fast and I want to catch, hold, remember every single second of every single day - even the absolutely normal ones where nothing happens other than a few minutes of sunshine on an otherwise rainy day...

(This is our sweet Duncan - most precious, lovey dog you'll ever meet)

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