Monday, December 17, 2012

Remember Me?

Hi. I'm Raegan.
I used to have this blog and I absolutely loved writing little notes to you every day. Then I got this new job and it was a great new gig full of new, exciting adventures and I told you all about it and how I was so excited... and then I fell straight off the face of blogging Earth.
My bad.
Well, good news - I'm back! And probabably with a much more realistic frame of mind. See, I'm rather OCD. The old Raegan wanted to write at least five posts a week - Recipe Monday, Traveling Tuesday... you get the picture... and if the old Raegan couldn't find time to write five posts a week, than she shouldn't have a blog at all.
Guess what. NOBODY has time for that!
So, meet the new Raegan. She has a crazy, busy, wonderful job that sucks up a LOT of her time and a really handsome husband that she doesn't want to neglect and a cute little house that needs decorating and friends that she wants to be there for.
But here's the thing, the new Raegan really misses the old Raegan's blog. Writing a blog was fun! It kept my mind always thinking. It kept a really lovely list of fun things to write about in my iPhone notes that have just been sitting there, waiting to be discussed. It kept me in touch with lots of dear friends who live far, far away. It kept me happy because it was surprisingly therapeutic - it's a place where I could really think something through. It also connected me with a whole entire group of new, fun friends!
The new Raegan really wants to bring the old Raegan's blog back, but with a little more realistic approach. The blogging goals, well, I won't lie, they've taken a hit... The new Raegan is going to do her very best to crank out t-h-r-e-e little blogs a week. That means, if the new Raegan cooks something delicious that week she'll probably blog it... but if the new Raegan is crazy swamped and eats Taco Bell for seven straight days she isn't going to cook something just to put it on the blog. Sorry, the new Raegan is just trying to survive...
I hope you'll start following me again. I've missed you! I've missed talking to you and even more, hearing from you! I've missed sharing ridiculous and funny things that happen and I've missed sending love to people I adore. So, here's the deal. I'm going to make a promise to you and I don't take promises lightly...

I promise to do my very best to blog as frequently as possible,
but I do NOT promise to sacrifice my time with my husband, my family, my dear friends or my sweet and patient Heavenly Father in order to have more time to write.
It's important to have priorities and while I truly love blogging, it isn't in my top five. So, please be patient with me as I do my best, but refuse to sacrifice everything for this fun hobby. Looking forward to continuing this little adventure... I missed you!
Be Blessed,