Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cooper: Week 52


Shirtless breakfast.
When Uncle Awesome comes to town it means two things: 
(1) Strawberries and waffles; and 
(2) No shirts for boys at the breakfast table

Bouncing with Daddy.

 Working with Pop's crew!
Cooper "helped" with all the final touches.


Racing Kamryn!
Those two are some serious shoppers!

Very seriously using his fork.

Yard work with Dad...
And burning stuff.

Reading books with PopPop and Brooks!
In the middle of a very busy birthday party these three took a break for a little story time.

Pirate ship!!
MamaShawna and Pops got Coop this awesome boat/pool and he thinks it's the coolest thing everrrr. He got to open it early because it was used for a party prop.

Cooper loves his Gramma!


(But his Mommy does so he'll just have to learn to like it too!)

When Mommy tries to make the boys hold still!

Bouncing without his Daddy.

So many pictures to pose for this week!
(Birthday twins - Coop and Kamryn!)

Waiting for the prayer to end before starting dinner!
This boy makes us laugh every day, but this little stunt really had us rolling! Brandon and I hold Coop's hand while we pray before dinner. This particular night I snuck a peek of Cooper and caught him straight face-dive into his food... Apparently he was ready to eat and his Daddy's prayer was taking too long! We laughed so hard! 


Little boys should never be sent to bed... 
They always wake up a day older.
~Peter Pan

I snapped these pictures of Brandon putting Cooper to bed the night before his first birthday. I had such a hard time with the realization that our baby was going to be one year old. Many tears were shed as I hid behind the lense of my camera, but I loved how the lamp threw a perfect soft glow on the precious cuddles that were taking place.


**For the record, I would have put money on the fact that somewhere in the last 364 days I would have gotten off on the numbers! You can't imagine my surprise when it actually worked out! Haha! Yay for me! Go figure...

Day 358: Uncle Awesome came to visit! Cooper follows him around and does his best to copy his every move. 

Day 359: PopPop and Sonya came to visit!! We always LOVE when they come to visit - so much fun just relaxing and being entertained by Cooper-man!

Day 360: We made a real quick trip to OKC to celebrate our best buddy, Jackson! Cooper and Jackson are two days and a few minutes apart in age so forever we will enjoy getting to celebrate the boys' birthdays together! I cannot tell you how thankful we have been to have such wonderful friends to experience this joyful/stressful/exciting/exhausting ride called parenthood with. We love, love, love this sweet family!

Day 361: Worked on the house... Cooper cracks us up with his constant imitations. Brandon held the ladder while I climbed up and adjusted something, then when Brandon started climbing the ladder Cooper stepped right up to hold the ladder! Best little helper around!

Day 362: Mommy needed a little time to work on some decorating and final touches on the house before Cooper's birthday party so the boys (Coop, Daddy and Pops) went off on a fishing adventure! These guys love to fish!

Day 363: Coop and Mommy enjoyed a beautiful morning on the porch and then spent the rest of the day working on birthday party things!

I snuck down the stairs to find my boys cuddled up and sleeping on the couch.
Cooper decided sleeping through the night is overrated the last few weeks and has a nightly date with one of the two of us around 3am.

We filled the crib to the brim with lots of fun balloons! 
Cooper thought we were crazy, but seemed to have lots of fun!

And then Mommy took a million pictures.
We got up extra early so we could enjoy a birthday pancake with Daddy before he went to work. 

Cooper was excited about the pancake, but unfortunately decided to touch the candle... Not to worry, a quick kiss and pancakes made everything all better!

We spent the rest of the day doing whatever the little man wanted and then spent the weekend celebrating with our friends and family! I'll post birthday party pictures asap!


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Cooper!! =)

    And by the way, I'm incredibly impressed with how well you kept up with his weekly posts. Theres no way I'd be that diligent.
