Friday, October 18, 2013

Cooper: Week 9


Watching football with his daddy.

Bubble Baths!
Cooper took his first bubble bath this week and he LOVED it!
Maybe we are over the water phobia, fingers crossed...
Sorry for the booty pics, but it was too cute not to share!

Cousin Time!
Cooper and Kamryn (and Brooks) got to hang out two days this week.
They very sweetly cooperated for pictures and even held hands!

**Can we take a time out and look at how gigantic my baby is? 
These two are three hours apart in age... Seriously, he is a giant.**

Riding the buckin' bull! 
(More commonly known as a Bumbo, but we prefer to pretend it's an adventure)


Sharing anything with Rylee, such as:

Mommy's lap...

Or his toys...


Soakin' it up


Day 57: Grammy (Brandon's mom) had shoulder surgery so we all hung out at the hospital and then went to lunch. Grammy was an absolute champ and is well on her way to a full recovery! After Uncle Caleb took Grammy home, Cooper and I sat on the Kaiser's patio and enjoyed the perfect fall weather... and a crazy amazing chocolate shake. 


(We practice "Touchdown Wolverines!" daily)

 How we felt about the game. Whomp whomp.

Day 58: OU/Texas. It didn't go well... so I just stopped watching the game and started taking Cooper's pictures. Much more fun.

Day 59: Brandon's Uncle Charlie has Huntington's disease and each year Charlie's family and friends roll out to participate in the OKC Huntington's Walk. As usual, Team Charlie had the most participants and we were happy to show our support for this sweet man!

Day 60: Mommy's Birthday! Cooper gave Mommy the very best present ever - he smiled at me for the very first time!! Cooper has been a smiler since the beginning, but the morning of my birthday we were having our morning chat and I was talking to him when he looked right at me and gave the biggest smile! My. Heart. Melted!! From that moment on he has been a non-stop interactive smiler and we are the happiest Mommy and Daddy around. Did I say "best present ever" yet? Best. Present. EVER.

Day 61: This pretty boy hit the two month mark... Post coming soon!

Day 62: Cooper and Mommy worked around the house... which somehow translates into a naked baby picture... He's a cutie, I can't help myself.

Day 63: This was Day One of "the schedule." I'm not too serious about implementing a schedule, but we are giving it a try just to see how the Cooper-man feels about it. Day One was completely successful with the exception of the little detail that for some reason Cooper refused to nap anywhere but on his Mommy - it definitely cut down on my productivity, but I realize that the days of cuddling will end much sooner than I want so I just rocked and snuggled and napped the day away with my precious baby.

1 comment:

  1. "Cooper Doesn't Like": Having an 'outie' bellybutton, even though it's a quintessential "American boy-thing" to have.


    outie, navel, bellybutton, stick out, sticks out, nub of skin, protrusion, tummy, stomach, bubble type, cork type, knot type, half-sinken marble type, fetish
