Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Few Questions For YOU!

Hey gang! As I'm sure you all are aware, I am still pretty new to this whole blogging gig. I'm trying to learn the ropes but there really isn't a Blogging for Dummies (at least that I know of). So, I read a lot of blogs (approx 25 a day) and try to learn from other bloggers. I experiment with posting things on Facebook and Twitter, but none of it really leads me to much feed back...

This is where YOU come in!!

I want to know what YOU think... YOU, after all, are the readers! YOU know what you like to read about and what you skip over. YOU know what keeps you coming back and what makes you "Delete" a blog from your favorites. So tell me what YOU think!!

I'll give you some open ended questions, but feel free to ditch those and just tell me anything and everything!! I truly value your opinion! So even if you think what you have to say is silly or maybe obvious or just common sense, SAY IT ANYWAY!!! You won't hurt my feelings, you will help me grow!

So here are some basic questions to think on...

What is your favorite thing to read about?

What topics do you instantly zone out on?

Thoughts on Recipe Monday? Love it? Hate it? Wish it was less desserts? Wish it was more desserts?

What do you wish I wrote more of?

Do you love pictures or are you sick of looking at us?

Do you like seeing random craft projects or are you already overwhelmed because you have Pinterest?

Do you follow my blog? Why or why not? Have you hit the little blue button on the right that says "JOIN THIS SITE?" (Because in case you didn't know, that's how you "follow" a blog.)

What prevents you from commenting? Do you not know how or do I not pose questions that make you want to respond?

Are you mad at me for not writing Part IV to Meeting My Match (I know one of my coworkers is...) or are you throwing up in your mouth over our little mushy love story?

If you were writing this blog, what would you do to make it better?!

Please, please, please tell me what you really think!! I want to be a better blogger, but I need your input to know where and how to improve. I am sooooo appreciative of your kind words, but I also need your constructive criticism. I have always been a true believer in this quote:

True friends stab you in the front.
                                                                                                 ~Oscar Wilde

Please feel free to stab away people! I have to know in order to grow!! Thank you all so very much for reading! If you don't feel comfortable posting on my facebook or in the comments section, please feel free to email me directly at 

Be Blessed!


  1. I really don't know why my little blog wasn't following your little blog ... oops!!! I always seem to zone out if things are written in looooong paragraphs ... but I have the attention span and a newt and write in choppy little things myself. I LOVE the recipes, and I'd like to see some craftiness. I'm trying to be crafty as well and could use the inspiration :)

  2. Pictures are great, I love seeing pictures!
    Love love craft projects!
    I do follow your blog.
    I love fashion things, like seeing your favorite outfits or staple items that you like (not sure if that's your thing but just a thought!)
    And to be honest, when I first stumbled upon your blog I thought it was great and wish I would have found it earlier! Don't let yourself be discouraged, you have an awesome blog in my opinion!

    Have a great day :)

  3. I follow your blog! :) And I guess the number one reason why is because I love the way you write, you're funny :). It's as if we're talking face to face when you tell a story. I try to comment, I know I appreciate comments, so I try to do the same.

    One thing that can zone a person out is long paragraphs, so I try to write a few sentences, double space, and start new (where appropriate). That helps the reader read faster and not get overwhelmed with a long paragraph.

    Pictures are great!!! Helps break up the post too. I love craft projects too. Easy directions for them are great too, but I'm terrible about writing those (with pictures).

    I wouldn't get discouraged. You have a great blog! I would just advise to write about whatever is on your heart. My blog is all about my boys, it's basically our scrapbook. I love to look back on posts and see how life was then, and see all the changes.

    Take care!

  4. You are in good company. I am fairly new to the blogging gig as well; however, I LOVE your blog! It is hilarious (your mother can never deny you)! And the design is adorable-- definite bonus!

    My blog is more for my distant relatives to keep up on my life because I do not have Facebook (long story). Consequently, I haven't ever geared my blog in a certain direction. I just write about what's going on in my life or what is heavy on my heart at the time.

    I've noticed I tend to stop reading blogs that are focused on one particular topic (my self-diagnosed ADD starts to kick in). I tend to read blogs that are just real people talking about their lives and what they are up to these days. Pictures make HUGE difference in my opinion!

    All in all, I wouldn't change a thing. Keep being you. Just because you aren't getting numerous amounts of feed back doesn't mean people aren't reading or don't like your blog. Blogging is a hobby.. So relax and enjoy it!

    Oh, and I love getting new recipes!! Keep up "Recipe Monday!" =)

    Don't be discouraged! <3 Abbey

  5. My encouragement to you is to just be honest, Katena. Just be the real - vulnerable and honest - you and stop worrying about what other people want to read, what they think, and how many people are following you. I read this blog because I think you are great and it's fun to have insight into your life and to carry snippets of my friend around with me. I truly believe that if you write this blog from a sincere place, that is an honest reflection of you and your life the followers will come. In a big way. Because you are that great.

    Oh and pictures. They're always good. :)

    Much love,

  6. What is your favorite thing to read about?
    -Keeping up with your life! I know our mothers talk on the phone and our grandmothers probably wrote letters, but seems that I am not so good at that. So, even though we don't talk on the phone often {though I always love when we do!!} or write letters {and I remember when we did... I think I even saved them!} we CAN keep in touch via the blogs. You are so honest! I think that's what I love most about your blog.

    What topics do you instantly zone out on?
    -I'm a numbers person, so when I see too many words... well I being to skim... until I come to something interesting and end up going back and reading the whole thing anyways. But the pictures definitely keep me on track!!

    Thoughts on Recipe Monday? Love it? Hate it? Wish it was less desserts? Wish it was more desserts?
    -LOVE!!!! I know that my own collection of recipes is primarily desserts, and that is what I make most often, so I completely understand! A good mix of appetizers and sides are nice too. I also like hearing the reviews of recipes- how they are good or bad, what you'd do differently. BUT I do always look for it on Mondays, and I am sometimes sad when there's no Recipe on Recipe Monday. I know life is busy though :)

    What do you wish I wrote more of?
    -You have such a good mix of personal, family, and cooking.

    Do you love pictures or are you sick of looking at us?
    -I love the pictures!! The more the merrier. Seeing a smile conveys the message better than the little sideways parenthesis :)
    Do you like seeing random craft projects or are you already overwhelmed because you have Pinterest?
    -Oh I would love to see your crafts!!! You know I loved the paper banner. On that note, I'd like to see more of your home decor too! {Is that prying??}

    Do you follow my blog? Why or why not? Have you hit the little blue button on the right that says "JOIN THIS SITE?" (Because in case you didn't know, that's how you "follow" a blog.)
    -I do, I do!

    What prevents you from commenting? Do you not know how or do I not pose questions that make you want to respond?
    -Many times I think about it, but then I get to doing something and forget to go back and do it! So Sorry! You are so good about commenting by the way.

    Are you mad at me for not writing Part IV to Meeting My Match (I know one of my coworkers is...) or are you throwing up in your mouth over our little mushy love story?
    -Ha, not at all, though I'm looking forward to it. Ya'll have the sweetest little story!

    If you were writing this blog, what would you do to make it better?!
    -It's your blog, so you can write about whatever. you. want. I think it's great! I am waiting for the little Etsy link at the top to take me to a cute little shoppe.

    p.s. I hear Paula Dean say something was "frilly" on her show... thought of you!

    1. Ha! That was so long!!!! I didn't realize it until I published. Oops!
