Friday, March 15, 2013

Bumpdate: Week 8

How Far Along: 8 weeks (Somehow failed to take a picture this week.)

Total Weight Gain: Last week the doctor's scales said I had gained three pounds. This week my appetite has been much more scarce and I've been sick more often than any other week... So, I lost those three pounds. Total: 0 lbs gained thus far.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but you won't catch me sitting for long in jeans with the button buttoned. Brandon thinks it's hilarious when I whisper to him, "Remind me when I get up from here to button my pants."

Gender: My mother made the official announcement this week that it's a girl, she's just sure of it... which probably jinxed it and it'll be a boy! I still do not have a feeling that leads me to think one way or another.

Movement: Nothing yet.

Sleep: Wanting it non-stop!

What I Miss: Food. I wish a steak sounded good... or chicken! I can't remember the last time I ate chicken! Right now I'm pretty much living on potatoes. I really am ready to have my appetite back and for food to sound good again.

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm so ready for Baby King to be public knowledge!! We still have a few more people to tell and then we're going to open the flood gates! Hopefully, it'll be facebook official by Week 10.

Cravings: Not anything really. Cheetos. I really like Cheetos and I'm typically not a Cheetos fan. Other than that, nothing sounds too good.

Aversions: Same as always, meat. The only exception being Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches. Random things have also pushed me over the edge lately - orange juice, which I typically drink a glass of every morning, is out. Strawberries, earlier I was putting away a couple of pints a week, out. Sadly, my palette is getting smaller instead of larger!

Other Crazy Symptoms: Nothing too crazy this week, thankfully!

Daddy Update: Brandon is just taking such good care of me/us. I have stopped cooking because the smell gets me and I'm not hungry. I have stopped cleaning because I'm exhausted all the time. I have stopped doing laundry because I walk in the door, put on sweats and get in bed. I have stopped attempting to put up any of the seven Christmas trees... the list goes on and on and on. My precious husband has picked up all my slack. He cooks, he cleans, he does laundry... I am so incredibly grateful.

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:27-28

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late reading your bumpdates but I'm really enjoying getting caught up! I wanted to tell you that I didn't have many cravings during pregnancy but I do remember the only meat I could stomach was Arby's roast beef sandwiches. I couldn't get enough of them! It got to the point, Ben didn't ask me what I felt like eating, he would just bring home arby's :)

